Our Partners

Our clinics are CHAS and Medisave approved clinics.

Community health assist scheme (chas)

We offer subsidised basic dental care for Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) cardholders. The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) is a scheme by the Ministry of Health (MOH) that enables Singapore Citizens from lower- and middle-income households to receive subsidised dental treatments.

To find out more about CHAS and how you can apply, please visit www.CHAS.sg or call CHAS hotline at 1800-ASK-CHAS (1800-275-2427) Please check out the subsidy schedule


Do you know that you can claim Medisave for certain dental surgeries?

Yes, that’s right.

We are Medisave accredited by Ministry of Health (MOH) and CPF as a day surgery facility. You can use Medisave for the following procedures:

Surgical removal of tooth
Surgical removal of impacted wisdom tooth
Gum surgery
Dental Implant surgery
Other surgeries

It is also possible to use a parent’s, spouse’s or children’s Medisave to pay if your own is insufficient. If you are able to provide us with your CPF statement or proof of Medisave balance before the procedure, we will simplify the process so that the you do not need to come up with cash upfront. Our treatments become more affordable by using Medisave.

Pioneer Generation Package

We offer subsidised basic dental care for our Pioneers. It is our way of saying thank you to our pioneers for their contribution to Singapore. At Vista Dental, all Pioneers will receive special subsidies.

Merdeka Generation

Born between 1950 and 1959, the Merdeka Generation grew up during the tumultuous years of the 1950s and early 1960s. They have shaped Singapore to the nation it is today. The Merdeka Generation Package is introduced by the Government to honour and thank our Merdeka Generation for their contributions. Together with the Pioneer Generation, they have contributed greatly to Singapore during a time of struggle, hardship, and sacrifice.

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